The superconducting magnet factory officially started operations for the NICA and FAIR accelerator facilities.
Funding of the NICA Project has started by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Linear accelerator (LU-20) for deuterons and polarized beams is now in operation.
Nobel Laureate Professor David Gross, an American theoretical physicist and string theorist, takes part in the cornerstone laying ceremony of the NICA Collider building with the Aide to the President of the Russian Federation, Andrei Fursenko, Moscow Region Governor, Andrei Vorobyov, Russian Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Lyudmila Ogorodova, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladimir Fortov, and Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Victor Matveev.
After the ceremony, David Gross visits the JINR Laboratories and gives his lecture. You can find more videos on this page you can find more videos.