Ion Collider fAcility


Implementation of the modern fundamental researches in high-energy physics is impossible without building of a distributed transmission system, data processing and storage. In the framework of the mega-science NICA project implementation there will be created a secure heterogeneous information-computational environment for a collective usage of the NICA complex possibilities. It should combine supercomputer, GRID and cloud centers located in different institutions and countries in order to provide optimal approaches for solving different types of problems.

Mega-science class projects provide an ideal platform for the preparation of highly qualified scientific and engineering staff. With a support of the ROSATOM within the project FAIR (FAIR-Russia Research Center) and in the framework of the NICA project regular winter and summer schools for students and young scientists are held at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna Helmholz Advanced Schools). Over the past 5 years more than 40 graduate students, hundreds of students, 40 scholars were supported by this program.

NICA project is implemented on the basis of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in the technopolis Dubna. Already for several decades, the University Center is functioning successfully at the JINR, where the students and graduate students of leading Russian educational institutions and the JINR member-states are studying. A “university cluster” was created in Dubna which includes the “Dubna” University, Moscow State University (MSU) and MIREA branches, as well as the Departments of MIPT, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI). Every year more than 400 young people participate in schools and practices conducted by the JINR. About 30 % of the NICA project participants are younger than 35 years.

For the universities participation in the project and creation of the Russian Center of collective use on the basis of the NICA complex is:

For students and all interested people NICA is an opportunity to join the high science and technology by visiting: